Wednesday, June 30, 2010

It's Been A While...

It's actually been a very long while.
Well not much has been happening around here.  Which is a good and bad thing depending which way you look at it.
Every one has been healthy apart from a couple of mild head colds.
I have celebrated a birthday and got spoilt with love, attention and presents.
I've been in very mummy and wife mode the last few weeks and I'm really missing feeling like ME.
I'm still running.  Its my 30 minutes a day.
No kids. No husband. No domestic duties to attend to.  Just me and the iPod, it's lovely.
And I haven't taken any photos lately.  Until today.
Lilli and I had a lazy day.  By Lilli and I, I mean Lilli.

Her at 8am eating breakfast while I'm rushing to make lunches and drinking cold coffee.

At 11.15am.  Her drawing - still in her pjs while I'm folding and ironing laundry.

At 1.20pm.  Her twirling and being a Fairy while I'm trying to vacuum around her.

And at 3.50pm.  Cuddling with Corey while I go out for my run.

Have a happy day.

Ange xx

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